28 Comments Add yours

  1. Hanno Phenn says:

    Is this Sign Sober or totally Drunk.Hahaha

    1. Hahahaa…..maybe both.

      1. Hanno Phenn says:

        Actually that is not possible.

      2. Indeed…But I laughed for the rest of time afterwards…

      3. Hanno Phenn says:

        Tell me about it.I can Imagine .I am still smiling about it.

      4. When I passed with my friends, I saw the sign and spontaneously I took my camera and….laughed afterwards. Why? It seemed weird and funny, maybe the screw had been lost or maybe somebody intentionally rolled it up.

      5. Hanno Phenn says:

        Sorry the Phrase “Tell me about it. ” didn’t imply you should tell me the story behind it .It stand for something Like” I know what you mean and feel or I have experienced it as well” I have to apologise I use often these typical English phrases without thinking about it.

      6. Hahahaha… no problem. 🙂

        Sometimes our English is influenced by our local vernacular as well. 🙂

      7. Hanno Phenn says:

        That’s very much so.

      8. And it is inevitable…sometimes I must think hard when my Briton boss speaking. His accent is so deep, and I think he is from Northern England as the accent is very confusing.

      9. Hanno Phenn says:

        I can imagine that.the local dialect and accent in the UK has a lot of different variation .

      10. Yup, I understand much better Canadian than Northern England hehehehe…

        Indonesians tend to follow American rules when speaking English, but the accent still influenced by our maternal language.

      11. Hanno Phenn says:

        I suppose that most of the people follow the American rules when speaking English.Well I must admit I am not one of them.

      12. Yes, sometimes I see Germanism in your English. 🙂

      13. Hanno Phenn says:

        Well I am not perfect you can’t disguise you mother language totally.

      14. And this is unique 🙂

  2. ryan says:

    untung bukan foto makanan lagi mas. 😀
    iseng aja deh pasang P-nya. hehehehe

    1. Bukan aku lho yg pasang…dikeplak polisi bisa2 hahahaa.

      1. ryan says:

        gak yakin nih kalau bukan mas yang pasang. *iseng.com*

      2. Yakinlaaah
        yang pasang adalah kloninganku.

      3. ryan says:

        tuh kan…
        *ambil handphone*

      4. Huaahahahahahaha

  3. tinsyam says:

    baca komennya hanno.. itu sign emang totally drunk.. napa sih ga dibenerin?

    1. Gak tau ya Mbak….. kalo dibenerin entar disangka yg ngerusak.

  4. yaumilemil says:

    urusannya gimana ni kalo udah kebalik gini

    1. Ya kebalik pastinya..hahahaha..

  5. kok kaya2ne ra sengaja ngono yo mas… baute ra kenceng masange dadine kaya ngono hohoho… mbok mase nek lewat dibenerke to ben ora nyesatke wong hihihi

    1. Mengko malah diarani sing malik hahahaa..

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