Weekly Photo Challenge (Not)Phoneography : Lunchtime

I live in a boarding house at Semarang, capital of Central Java. But occasionally I return to my hometown, Malang which locates in East Java (400 km from Semarang). I never prepare my own lunch. Just buy it in food stall, as there’s no kitchen in my boarding house. But when I return to Malang, I almost always prepare my own lunch as I love cooking. I always try new recipes, though it is from baby’s food recipes (hahahaha…don’t laugh..oopsy).

One of my favourite lunches when I am at home is like this….Cheese Noodles. The recipe is based on cookbook for my little nephew (hahaha), but I modify it a little.

Only egg noodles, some garlic, fresh milk, boiled chicken (cut it into small pieces), black pepper, cheese (indeed) and surely some water. The recipe is so simple and easy. You can eat it with chilly sauce (as usually Indonesians do). I sometimes enjoy this holiday lunch in my family’s dining room, when they’re away.  Eits! You don’t have to add any salt then!

Have a nice lunch! For this week’s challenge!


42 Comments Add yours

  1. patriciaddrury says:

    mouth is watering!!! looks so good!

    1. Let’s have lunch 🙂

  2. I like noodles. That looks good 🙂

      1. Hehehehe..that’s quick and easy one 🙂

  3. niprita says:

    Saya selalu kagum sama orang yang bisa masak

      1. niprita says:

        Soalnya saya sendiri suka makan tapi nggak minat belajar masak. Bagi saya ngeracik bumbu, ngerebus, goreng, cincang, dan kegiatan dapurnya itu menjemukan. Jadi selalu kagum sama orang yang bisa betah di dapur

      2. Ooo..begitu ceritanya.
        Saya sendiri suka banget kalau disuruh didapur. Entah sudah sejak kecil. Hanya saya cuma punya kesempatan ke dapur pas mudik.
        Mungkin sudah waktunya nyari kontrakan rumah biar bebas berekspresi.

  4. Sigoese says:

    Madang lek… 😀

  5. uni fauzia says:

    likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it…

  6. uni fauzia says:

    2.11 am….
    waaa…seharian dgn mee sebungkus (brunch) dan burger KFC seketul..(padahal..udah borong KFC)..
    lihat meee seakan2 spagheti terus……LAPAR..huhu

    1. Hehehehe…selamat menikmati

  7. uni fauzia says:

    ngelihat saja tuh…huhu..

  8. rutheh says:

    Thanks for the ping back and I like your noodles!

    1. You’re welcome…let’s share then.

  9. Nin says:

    looks bland tho, maybe you need to add more colour, like red chilly. it’ll give an extra kick of spice as well…

    1. Thank you for your advice…yeach, it is little bit emergency. 🙂

  10. bundamuna says:

    itu yg dipake mi telur ya? kok gepeng gitu, kayak yg biasa dibikin kwetiau yaaa.. hihi
    bisa dicoba nih, I haven’t try yet to make a fried noodle using fresh milk 🙂

    1. Iya, mie telor cap kuda menjangan hehehehe…

      Selamat mencoba ya.

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